Fine Tuning the Adjustments
When I look at what the America’s Cup race committee is expected to pull off in the October America’s Cup World Series on San Francisco Bay, inside tight boxes and even-tighter time frames, I am inspired to say:
Good luck, race committee.
Meanwhile, my latest exchange with Stephen Barclay, CEO of America’s Cup Race Management, casts a different framework around the whole discussion launched by Dean Barker’s blog-diatribe on Tuesday (Long Green, Marina Green) regarding changes to the plans for Piers 30-32 in AC34.
Mr. Barclay advises that he presented to the teams, before Barker wrote his piece, words that said, in effect, We are thinking about this; what do you think?
And, “That was followed with, ‘We have to resolve this by the Sunday, the end of the event.’ ”
As to the reason for having a discussion with the teams in the first place, “I advised that if the ACEA funds allocated to fan experience and hospitality on 30/32 were to go to the Marina Green and the peninsula [location of the Golden Gate Yacht Club], the subsidy for team hospitality at 30/32 would evaporate. Any team that wanted to provide hospitality at 30/32 would need to pay that cost themselves. As a consequence, and if we proceed with this plan, we suggested that it would not be compulsory to be at 30/32.
“Power, cranes, docks, etcetera were always costs the teams would pay. Two cranes for four teams versus one crane for two teams; same cost. All concessions won from the city are still there for any team that locates to 30/32 including ACRM assistance with permitting.” The starting date for permitting would be October 22, 2012 with an end date of January 14, 2013.
Subtext: Artemis would happily stay in Alameda. Oracle can more conveniently remain at Pier 80. The Port, I infer, would be required to do less work on the piers and perhaps end up with aging piers with less rehab work accomplished. This remains unclear.
There is no doubt in my mind that the crowd focus will be on the Marina Green. That’s the vantage point for starts and most of the turning marks. That’s where most of the cameras will be. Because.
I missed a chance today to talk to Barker (sorry) so Barclay gets the bottom line: “Today [Tuesday] we made a lot of progress with all teams, including ETNZ, about how we would make hospitality work for them at the Marina Green.”
I remind my readers that there is no such animal as a fustigation-free America’s Cup. The Deed of gift refers to “friendly competition among foreign nations,” but ETNZ chief Grant Dalton tells the world, “There is nothing friendly about it.”
To this point I’ve done three posts about this little ripple in the stream, and I reckon there will be a final-final when we get there.
Racing today, 4-6 pm. Match race eliminations. Opening match-up sked HERE.
For restricted zones and course details, read on. Note that the start line will be east of where August ACWS races started, aiming more toward the end of the jetty (aka Point Lucy) than toward the tents of Club 45.
To view the restricted zone for Wednesday click graphic A
Match Racing 12:20pm-1pm The races will take place entirely within the airshow box, finishing inside the airshow box. Access to the San Francisco Marina from the east will be kept open in a narrow corridor even during the airshow and racing.
To view the match-race restricted area for Thursday click graphic B
Also Thursday
Fleet Racing, 5:10pm-6:20pm Races will run inside the Fleet Week box but break out to finish at the end of the jetty. The finish corridor will be a no-anchor zone during the airshow and a no-go zone during racing.
Match Race Quarterfinals 4 pm-4:35 pm and Fleet Racing 4:50pm-6pm Races will run inside the Fleet Week box but break out to finish at the end of the jetty. The finish corridor will be a no-anchor zone during the airshow and a no-go zone during racing.
Match Race Semifinals 4:05pm-4:35pm; Fleet Racing 4:50pm-5:55pm; Match Final 6:10pm-6:25pm Races will run inside the Fleet Week box but break out to finish at the end of the jetty. The finish corridor will be a no-anchor zone during the airshow and a no-go zone during racing.
Fleet Racing 1:50pm-2:30pm broadcast live on NBC
Racing is inside the airshow box, finishing inside the airshow box.
To see the restricted zone for Sunday, click graphic B